Kamis, 09 Februari 2012


Krakatoa is a volcanic island that is still active and located in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. This name was never pinned on a volcanic peak there (Mount Krakatau) which vanish because of eruptions themselves on 26-27 August 1883. The eruption was so powerful; hot clouds and the resulting tsunami killed about 36,000 people. Until before the date of December 26, 2004, this is a terdahsyat tsunami in the Indian Ocean region. Explosion sound was heard up in Alice Springs, Australia and the island of Rodrigues near Africa, 4653 miles. Yield is estimated at 30,000 times the atomic bomb that was detonated on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II.

The eruption of Krakatoa caused global climate change. The world was dark for two and a half days due to volcanic ash that covered the atmosphere. The sun shines dim until next year. Scattering dust visible in the sky Norway to New York.

The explosion of Krakatoa is actually less than the eruption of Mount Toba and Tambora in Indonesia, Mount Tanpo in New Zealand and Mount Katmal in Alaska. However, the erupting mountains far in the human population is still very little. Meanwhile, when Krakatoa erupted, the human population is dense enough, science and technology has evolved, the telegraph was invented, and submarine cable has been installed. Thus it can be said that while information technology is growing and growing rapidly.

Noted that the eruption of Krakatoa was the first major disaster in the world after the invention of the submarine telegraph. Progress, unfortunately has not been matched by progress in the field of geology. The geologist was not even able to give an explanation of the eruption

Began in 1927 or about 40 years after the eruption of Mount Krakatoa, a volcano that emerged known as Anak Krakatau caldera of the ancient region that is still active and still growing in height. High growth rate of about 20 inches per month. Each year it becomes more about 20 feet high and 40 feet wider. Other records mention the additional height of about 4 cm per year and if it is calculated, then within 25 years the addition of high-achieving children Rakata 7500 inches or 500 feet higher than the previous 25 years. The cause of the high mountain was caused by the material that comes out of the new mountain belly. Anak Krakatau current altitude reaches about 230 meters above sea level, while the height of Mount Krakatau previous 813 meters above sea level.By Simon Winchester, though what happens in the life of Krakatau which used to be very scary realities of geological, seismic and tectonic in Java and Sumatra strange will ensure that what used to happen at some point will occur again. No one knows exactly when Anak Krakatau will erupt. Some geologists predict this eruption will occur between 2015-2083. However, the effect of the earthquake in the Indian Ocean base at December 26, 2004 also can not be ignored.Anak Krakatau, February 2008

According to Professor Ueda Nakayama one Japanese national vulcanologist, Anak Krakatau is still active despite the relatively safe and often there is a small eruption, there are only certain times of the tourists are prohibited from approaching the area because of the danger that spewed lava of this volcano. Other experts claim there is no plausible theory of Anak Krakatau to be re-erupt. Even if there are anymore or at least three centuries after 2325 AD But clearly, the number of victims affected more powerful than the previous eruption. Anak Krakatau is currently in general by the people known as "Krakatoa" is also, though in fact is a new mountain that grew after the previous eruption.

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